Gross retail sales value in appraisal

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Posted by: William Brown Aug 25 2004, 04:11 PM
What is the difference between the gross retail sales value and the discounted wholesale value on an appraisal? Which of these two do lenders typically weigh the most? What are the typical maximum percentages a lender will fund? Thanks.
Posted by: loanuniverse Aug 25 2004, 06:34 PM
What is the difference between the gross retail sales value and the discounted wholesale value on an appraisal?


Your question confused me….. I have seen dozens of commercial appraisals, and frankly for most of them I only look at one number:

The “as is” valuation of the property “as of” a particular date

Now in order to arrive to this number, the appraiser usually employs three methods of valuation “the income approach”, “the cost approach”, and “the sales approach”. However, for my purposes I look at the reconciliation of the three methods, which is reflected in the “as is” value.

There are other valuations that are important such as “as completed”, “discounted cash flow”, “valuation including a going concern value”, and “as stabilized”. However, this is the first time I hear of ” gross retail sales value and the discounted wholesale value on an appraisal”

Author: Commercial Loan Underwriter